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Workday HCM Interview Questions

Workday was founded in March 2005 and launched in November 2006. It is an American on‑demand financial management & human capital management software vendor. Workday provides a way to oversee time tracking, procurement, employee data, financial accounting, and expense management at any time and anywhere.

In this blog, you are going to learn.

  • Basic Workday HCM Interview Questions and Answers

  • Workday HCM Interview Questions and Answers

  • Workday HCM Interview Questions Cheat Sheet

❓ What are the Workday security group types?

Ans: Workday provides five types of security groups,

  • User-based
  • Role-Based 
  • Job-Based
  • Level based 
  • Integration System

What are the advantages of Workday?

Ans: Here are some advantages of Workday,

  • At any time, anywhere, the services can be accessed.
  • Workday does not require any programming knowledge.
  • User-friendly and intuitive.
  • In real-time, data is accessible.
  • Create reports for managers to make data-driven decisions.
  • Enhances enterprise efficiency and scalability.

What are Workday’s different modules?

Ans: There are many services offered by Workday that are suited to enterprise needs,

  • Human Capital Management
  • Enterprise Planning
  • Financial Management
  • Prism Analytics
  • Professional Services Automation
  • Student
  • Reporting
  • BIRT

Explain about Workday HCM?

Ans: Workday HCM is a cloudbased HR software that helps companies manage their employee records and data. It provides a single interface for managing employee information, including payroll, benefits, and records management. Workday HCM is designed to be userfriendly and efficient, making it an ideal solution for small businesses and HR departments with limited resources.

Can you tell me about the features of Workday HCM?

Ans: Workday Human Capital Management (HCM) is a valuable tool that helps organizations manage their talent. HCM enables organizations to manage their employee data, including skills, experience, and performance. Additionally, HCM provides insights into employee mobility and retention. In addition to these features, HCM also offers collaboration tools and reporting capabilities. By using Workday HCM, organizations can improve their workforce efficiency and effectiveness.

Wokrday HCM certification Training

How many Workday updates are released per year?

Ans: Major feature updates are released twice a year by Workday, in March (R1 or Release 1) and September (R2 or Release 2).